Thursday, September 27, 2007

This Is Really Starting To Take The Piss.

First we get Rob Zombie re-making the incredible John Carpenter's "Halloween". Then I hear that Warner Brothers is planning to remake the fantastic Bruce Lee classic "Enter The Dragon". Now we have Tony Scott "re-imagining" the incredible "Taking of Pelham 1, 2, 3".

Now don't get me wrong I'm not a Tony Scott hater I think he has made some great films throughout his career. I'm probably one of the biggest "Beverly Hills Cop 2" fans in the world. "Last Boy Scout", "True Romance" and "Enemy Of The State" are all brilliant, "Domino" and "Deja Vu" not so much. Tony Scott is also directing the re-make of "The Warriors". The point I'm trying to make is that all of these movies are of their time and this is what makes them great.

Do we really need anymore re-makes with "nu-metal" soundtracks?

Whats next? "The 'Burbs"?, "The Goonies"?, "The Lost Boys"?

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